If you are elderly and you have fallen you must know you are not alone. Every year thousands of elder men and women have injuries due to slips and falls. Generally, their lives change after a fall because all fall-related problems rise with age.

As injury lawyers in Burlington know how dangerous this could be they provide their help in this affair. In this article, you will find everything you have to know if you have fallen, and how you can receive compensation.

Why do elderly people have higher risks of suffering an injury after a fall?

Because their eyesight, hearing, and reflexes are not as they used to be when they were at an early age, elder people have a higher likelihood to fall constantly. They suffer fractures after a fall since they have deteriorated health, muscle weakness, and porous and brittle bones.

The injuries and fractures caused for slip and fall accidents might result in severity such as:

•    Brain injuries: these injuries can cause memory, concentration, and sight problems. They also can cause physical effects like headaches, problems with speech, and weakness or numbness in fingers and toes. Therefore, these accidents can affect permanently elderly people’s lives.
•    Broken bones: These injuries can be life-changing for elder people since they can deprive them of a normal life, and they cannot walk or even be able to sit anymore.
•    Lacerations: these injuries may result in severity, extending the lacerations through subcutaneous tissues, including muscle, internal organs, or bones. As a result, severe lacerations can produce significant pain and bleeding in elderly people.

Why do elderly victims of a fall need compensation?

As we know, elder people become more susceptible to accidents and injuries. Consequently, these accidents may require medical costs like nursing home care, home modifications, surgery, medical equipment, rehabilitation, physical therapy, and medication.

Imagine an elderly man who fell in the mall due to spilled food on the floor and had a hip fracture. That food on the floor was spilled for a woman in the mall who intentionally wanted the elderly man to fall. Because of this, he needed medical attention, nursing home care for months, medical equipment, surgery, and medication. In his need to have money for medical expenses, the elderly man hired a lawyer to investigate the case by watching the security cameras of the mall, the accident was recorded and the lawyer was able to identify the woman.

The elderly man was entitled to receive compensation from the woman who caused the accident.  

if you have suffered an injury you need compensation

As an elder person, you must be entitled to compensation after becoming the victim of a slip and fall accident. When insurance companies deny the claims for assistance, injury lawyers in Burlington are very helpful for the victims who are unaware of the insurance companies’ liability.

If you have suffered an injury caused by the negligence of someone else, contact your most trusted lawyer to know the specifics details about injuries and obtain the compensation and help you deserve. Contact them for a free consultation. For more information visit Our Website